Shoulder Pain

Overview of Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is a complex and essential joint in the body. Three bones make up the shoulder: the humerus, the scapula, and the clavicle. These are the upper arm bone, the shoulder blade, and the collarbone. The tendons and muscles that hold these bones are called the rotator cuff. Pain in the shoulder is commonly a result of inflammation or trauma. Below are some common conditions:


Bursitis is an inflammatory condition of the bursae of the shoulder. The bursae are fluid-filled sacks in every joint. They work as a cushion between the bones and help dimmish the friction between them. Too much use of the shoulder joint can cause this condition, which can happen along with tendinitis.


Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendons, the tissues holding the muscles and bones of the shoulder together. Tendinitis can be acute or chronic. The acute excessive overhead movement of the joint, like ball throwing. Chronic tendinitis can result from degenerative diseases like arthritis.


Chronic wear and tear of the joint through the years can become arthritis. The most common type is osteoarthritis. It can cause inflammation, swelling, pain, and joint stiffness.

Adhesive Capsulitis

Also called frozen shoulder is a progressive condition triggered by a previous injury, lack of use, or improper use. In this condition, scar tissue builds, causing pain and inflammation and ultimately limiting the range of motion. Other causes can be hormonal changes, diabetes, and cervical disk disease.


The most common shoulder injuries are fractures, tendon tears, impingement, and instability. Fractures can occur on the clavicle, humerus, or shoulder blade. Tendon tears can be partial or complete tears, commonly of the rotator cuff or biceps tendons. Shoulder impingement happens when the shoulder blade puts pressure on the soft tissue when the arm is lifted. It can lead to bursitis and tendonitis. Lastly, shoulder instability occurs when the upper arm is forced out of the shoulder socket; it can also be a partial or complete dislocation.

How can acupuncture help?

Regardless of the condition, acupuncture is an effective therapy that can improve circulation through areas of pain, reducing inflammation and pain in conditions like arthritis and bursitis. Along with electrical stimulation, acupuncture can strengthen the muscles and tendons of the shoulder joint to aid in the recovery of injuries and prevent them. Dry needling may also be used depending on the individual presentation which can be effective in reducing and relieving trigger points and decreasing muscle tightness and spasm. Cupping is also used to help release tightness and increase the range of motion helping to reduce myofascial restriction and unblocking the bodies healing potential. For certain conditions. Herbal formulas can also provide relief through the course of treatment using remedies that have been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. These remedies can support circulation, and pain relief, and improve treatment outcomes.

Acupuncture Zen also offers laser therapy by K-laser, the most advanced laser therapy using A.I. Artificial Intelligence with a skin spectrometer to determine the depth of penetration giving a unique and personalized treatment to each patient according to their body type. It provides analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and bio-stimulating effects, which may be helpful for many kinds of shoulder pain.

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