People who are living with allergic rhinitis may be looking for alternative or complementary treatments in order to reduce the severity of the symptoms of this condition. As symptoms of allergic rhinitis can be debilitating, it’s important for people living with this condition to have access to successful treatments that can help improve their lifestyle and reduce the impacts of symptoms. Acupuncture is shown successful in helping to reduce the severity and frequency of allergic rhinitis symptoms, so it may be a good treatment option for people diagnosed with this condition to consider.
Allergic Rhinitis is a diagnosis that means a person is allergic to something that they breathe in through their nose. For example, smoke, pollen, or dust. The result is a reaction in the nose that congest the nasal cavity, making it harder to breathe through the nose and also presenting a number of symptoms like sniffling, runny nose, and more. Allergic Rhinitis can be a seasonal thing if a person is allergic to things like pollen, as pollen is more prominent in the air around springtime. Or, Allergic Rhinitis may be something a person experiences more often when in particular settings. For example, if a person is allergic to pet danger, they may experience more symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis in a setting that includes animals.
Allergic Rhinitis can be diagnosed in people of every age, race, and gender. But, children are at a higher risk for developing this condition. People who are diagnosed with this condition may have a reduced quality of life as it can negatively affect various aspects of life.
People who are diagnosed with Allergic Rhinitis may look to acupuncture as a type of treatment because they don’t want to experience adverse reactions or side effects to allergy medications, don’t like how allergy medications make them feel, want a complementary approach to improving their treatment success rates, or need to find a less costly or invasive approach to treatment.
People who choose to use acupuncture as a method of treatment for Allergic Rhinitis may find that they experience a reduction in the severity of specific symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose, impaired sleep, and more. And, with additional treatments, find that this symptom relief is long-term. This is believed to be the result of acupuncture helping to improve blood circulation which can lead to a reduction in inflammation of the nose.
Dr. Tony Willcox has years of experience performing acupuncture for people who are struggling with the symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis. If you’re looking for an alternative approach to prescription allergy medications or just want a less invasive approach to treatment, acupuncture may be right for you.
Find out more about our acupuncture clinic located in Delray Beach and contact us today to learn more about whether or not you’re a good candidate for acupuncture sessions.
Common symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis include: