Neurological Disorders

Acupuncture for Neurological Disorders Overview 

There has been an increasing number of diagnosed neurological disorders in the United States in recent years. Studies show that in 2011 approximately 100 million people were affected by a neurological condition such as Parkinson’s disease, TBI, Alzheimer’s disease, trigeminal neuralgia, epilepsy, and stroke to name a few.

Traditional Chinese Medicine including acupuncture and herbal medicine have been used for over 3,000 years. It has been practiced globally to treat a variety of neurological disorders with great results.

How does acupuncture work for neurological disorders?

Acupuncture involves small needles, or as Dr. Tony likes to call them “healing sticks”. These are inserted into the skin into the musculature to the acupuncture point which stimulates the nervous system. Specific points in relation the neurological condition may be targeted with either manual stimulation or electrical stimulation.  This enables the release of the feel-good chemicals of endorphin and serotonin along with several other neuromodulating chemicals aiding in pain relief and improved mood. This therapy encourages healing and wellness. The regulating effects of acupuncture and the diagnostic techniques in Traditional Chinese Medicine have a great therapeutic advantage in helping those with any type of imbalance including neurological disorders.

What to expect?

Acupuncture can be an effective therapy for neurological disorders. Key points can be used on the scalp, ears, extremities, the stomach and back dependent on the specific patient’s condition and characteristics according to the patients’ symptoms. Usually, chronic conditions require some consistent treatment to help change the pattern of dis-ease that is present on the body. Patients may experience relief of pain, improved mood and cognition, improved circulation and a plethora of other benefits that derive form this therapy of acupuncture.

Come and see how Acupuncture Zen can help you.

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