
Overview of Sprain

A sprain is an injury to the muscle or tendon that occurs when torn or overstretched. Presentation varies in severity and includes pain, inflammation, bruising, limited range of motion, spasms, or weakness. Certain body parts like the elbows, hands, low back, and legs are more prone to sprains.

Common causes of sprain are fatigue and overuse of a muscle, poor body mechanics, or accidents. Those participating in contact or high-impact sports such as boxing, hockey, soccer, football, rugby, or wrestling are more susceptible.

How Can Acupuncture Help?

The initial stage of a sprain is pain and swelling. The muscles encompassing the injured region begin to tighten as the body attempts to protect the area, limiting blood flow and natural healing mechanisms. Acupuncture needling to the injury site encourages Qi, also known as life energy force, and blood flow which initiates the healing process. Electrical stimulation with acupuncture needles may be used as it aids blood flow and generates endorphins for pain reduction and helps to reduce swelling.

The next stage is rehabilitation. Cupping as an adjunct can be used to increase blood flow and reduce tension, decrease pain, and move blood, body fluid, and lymphatic fluid aiding in detoxification and healing. Acupuncture and the associated therapies such as K Laser, and Novothor Red Light Therapy help boost mobility and minimize stiffness to repair the tissue with improved blood supply and oxygenation from therapy. Visit Acupuncture Zen in Delray Beach and see how acupuncture therapy can be utilized to provide targeted pain relief.

Recent Studies

Use of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Sports-Related Injuries in Athletes: A Systematic Review of Case Reports

Use of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Sports-Related Injuries in Athletes: A Systematic Review of Case Reports

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Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture Therapy for Patients with Acute Ankle Sprain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture Therapy for Patients with Acute Ankle Sprain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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