Acupuncture is synonymous with Qi. “Where Qi Goes, Blood Flows” is one of the ancient dictums in traditional Chinese medicine. Qi has a mystique associated with its enigmatic nature. It has been difficult to infuse this ancient doctrine of the theory of Qi into the Western medicine paradigm over the years. It can be a difficult concept to grasp for some, and for others, they understand it very well. Often patients of acupuncture have a deep understanding of the nature of Qi because they have a personal experience of how this therapy of acupuncture made them feel. The many experiences of patients over the past 3,000 years as the most widely practiced natural medicine on planet Earth have made many believers in acupuncture. I was one of these believers after my first acupuncture treatment.
Tony Willcox Infantry Soldier 4.5 years (1984-89)
At 19, I was serving as an infantry soldier in the Australian Army, stationed in Townsville, North Queensland. Our elite battalion was constantly training for war, marching on parade grounds with polished boots, crawling through mud, and mastering the art of camouflage.
My days were filled with flying in Chinooks, trudging through the bush, and donning NBC suits during chemical attack simulations. Grueling obstacle courses and seemingly endless hikes with heavy rucksacks pushed my body to its limits. This intense regimen took a toll, leaving me physically and mentally drained.
During one such period of exhaustion after a six-week exercise in the Australian outback, a friend introduced me to acupuncture. The acupuncturist, also a naturopath, invited me to experience this ancient therapy. With no expectations, I gave it a try—and it exceeded anything I could have imagined.
NBC Suit and M203 Rifle in the Australian Bush
From that day, I was thankful to have been introduced to acupuncture and natural medicine early in life. Raised with the belief that natural remedies could help the body restore balance, I leaned toward these treatments instead of synthetic medicines.
Acupuncture, in particular, aligns with my belief in integrative medicine. Sometimes, pharmaceutical interventions are necessary to restore health, while at other times, natural therapies like acupuncture provide the needed balance. Often, the combination of Western and Eastern medicine works best.
The versatility of acupuncture is remarkable. It can be used by nearly anyone and offers therapeutic benefits for numerous conditions. Whether as an adjunct to existing treatments or a standalone approach, acupuncture is particularly effective for stress and anxiety—an invaluable relief in today’s fast-paced, stressful world.
Dr. Tony Willcox giving acupuncture to a patient in Delray Beach, Florida
If you’ve never tried acupuncture, you’re missing out on a therapy that has helped millions worldwide. And if you’ve had a less-than-satisfying experience, don’t give up—finding the right practitioner can make all the difference.
Acupuncture addresses a wide range of conditions, from insomnia and depression to chronic pain and fertility concerns. Many people turn to it simply to regain a sense of balance and wellness. The therapy triggers a chemical response in the body that facilitates relaxation, leaving patients feeling calm and rejuvenated.
Whether you’re seeking relief from stress, anxiety, or physical discomfort, acupuncture offers a pathway to healing. For many, the post-treatment sensation is akin to the calm after a good drink or smoke—a deeply relaxing experience. Many patients explain the high of acupuncture, which is from the chemical release in the body after treatment.
So why not see for yourself? Explore the transformative power of acupuncture and discover how it can enhance your health and well-being.