TCM Tongue Diagnosis Acupuncture Boca Raton When we go to a traditional Western medicine practitioner, we are used to hearing,…
Acupuncture is considered safe and beneficial for everyone, as long as the acupuncturist is well-trained and experienced. Acupuncture can cure…
Research One OBJECTIVE: Reproductive Conditions To evaluate the effect of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in assisted reproduction therapy (ART)…
Research One Menstrual pain can be debilitating for those experiencing primary dysmenorrhea. Acupuncture in patients with dysmenorrhea: a randomized study…
Miscarriages Eight out of ten miscarriages happen in the first three months of pregnancy. Acupuncture has been used for over…
Research One ACUPUNCTURE AND POSTOPERATIVE PAIN Pain? ….. How acupuncture can help Acupuncture and postoperative pain. Systematic reviews suggest that…
Acne Treatment: Everyone wants clear, clean, and healthy skin, but unfortunately, we do not live in a fair world. Instead,…
Research One Acupuncture a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trialsAcupuncture versus all controls (eight trials, 429 women analyzed) When pooled,…
Acupuncture Delray for Peripheral Neuropathy in the heart of Delray Beach. Research One 3168 A Pilot Study of Acupuncture in…
Research One Anti-inflammatory actions of acupuncture Treatment by acupuncture is frequent among adults with asthma and rhinosinusitis, and therefore should…